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In ClassMapGenerator.php line 131:
Could not scan for classes inside "database/seeds" which does not appear to be a file nor a folder
Check the Directory Structure: Ensure that the directory database/seeds
still exists. If you’re using Laravel 8 or newer, this directory should be named database/seeders
. You can fix this by either renaming the folder or by updating your autoload settings.
- Rename
mv database/seeds database/seeders
Update Composer Autoload Settings: In case renaming doesn’t work or if you’ve already updated your folder structure, ensure that your composer.json
file reflects the correct paths.
- Open
and ensure that it referencesdatabase/seeders
instead ofdatabase/seeds
jsonCopy code"autoload": {
"classmap": [
- Then, run the following command to regenerate the autoload files:
codecomposer dump-autoload
Clear Cache: Sometimes Laravel caches can cause such issues. You can try clearing Laravel’s cache to see if that helps resolve the issue:
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
Check for Hardcoded Paths: If you’ve hardcoded the database/seeds
path anywhere in your codebase, replace it with database/seeders