
Mastering File Compression: A Guide to tar and zip Commands in Linux

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Although both the tar and zip commands are used to archive and compress files, there are some distinctions between their functions and the formats they support. Below is a description of each:

tar Command

Key Points:

  1. Creating an Archive:
    • tar -cvf archive.tar directory/
      • -c creates a new archive.
      • -v (optional) shows the progress (verbose).
      • -f specifies the filename of the archive.
      • directory/ is the directory you want to archive.
  2. Extracting an Archive:
    • tar -xvf archive.tar
      • -x extracts the archive.
      • -v (optional) shows the progress (verbose).
      • -f specifies the filename of the archive.
  3. Compressing and Archiving:
    • tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz directory/
      • -z compresses the archive using gzip.
      • The resulting file is archive.tar.gz.
  4. Extracting a Compressed Archive:
    • tar -xvzf archive.tar.gz

zip Command

Files can be compressed using zip into a ZIP archive, which is a compression and archive format. It is extensively utilized on Windows and Unix-like systems.

Key Points:

  1. Creating an Archive:
    • zip -r archive.zip directory/
      • -r recursively includes files and directories.
      • archive.zip is the name of the zip file to be created.
      • directory/ is the directory you want to archive.
  2. Extracting an Archive:
    • unzip archive.zip

What is the Differences Between tar and zip?


  • By default, tar produces an uncompressed archive (such as.tar), but it may also be used in conjunction with compression programs like gzip or bzip2 to produce compressed archives (such as.tar.gz or.tar.bz2).
  • Zip directly builds compressed archives (.zip, for example).


  • In Unix-like systems, tar is frequently used for backups and software packaging.
  • When building archives that need to work with Windows computers, zip is more frequently employed.


  • When tar is used in conjunction with gzip or bzip2, compression ratios are frequently higher than with zip alone.
  • For some use situations, such as enabling random access to individual files within the archive, zip compresses each file inside the archive separately.


  • When tar is used in conjunction with gzip or bzip2, compression ratios are frequently higher than with zip alone.
  • For some use situations, such as enabling random access to individual files within the archive, zip compresses each file inside the archive separately.

Why tar and zip is used?


When you need to combine several files and directories into a single archive file, use tar, particularly in settings similar to Unix. You may also wish to compress the archive to save space.


When you want a compressed archive that is generally compatible and can be opened on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, use zip.

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