How to Enable Google Login in Laravel project?

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Enabling Google Login in a Laravel project is a great way to simplify the authentication process for users. Here’s a step-by-step, humanized guide to integrate Google Login in your Laravel application.

Step 1: Install Laravel Socialite

Laravel Socialite provides an elegant and simple interface for OAuth authentication, including Google login.

  1. Run the following command in your terminal to install Socialite: composer require laravel/socialite
  2. Open the config/app.php file and ensure the Socialite service provider is added (for Laravel 5.x, this is required): 'providers' => [ Laravel\Socialite\SocialiteServiceProvider::class, ], 'aliases' => [ 'Socialite' => Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite::class, ],

Step 2: Set Up Google API Credentials

You need to create Google API credentials to connect your Laravel app with Google’s OAuth services.

  1. Visit the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one.
  3. Navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials and click Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID.
  4. Configure the consent screen:
    • Provide an App Name and email.
    • Add scopes (e.g., email, profile).
  5. Create the credentials:
    • Select Web Application.
    • Add your authorized redirect URL (e.g.,
  6. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

Step 3: Configure Your Laravel Environment

Add the Google API credentials to your .env file:


Step 4: Configure Laravel Socialite

Update the config/services.php file to include Google as a provider:

'google' => [
    'client_id' => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'),
    'client_secret' => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'),
    'redirect' => env('GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL'),

Step 5: Create Routes

Define routes for redirecting to Google and handling the callback:

use Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite;
use App\Http\Controllers\GoogleController;

Route::get('auth/google', [GoogleController::class, 'redirectToGoogle'])->name('google.login');
Route::get('auth/google/callback', [GoogleController::class, 'handleGoogleCallback'])->name('google.callback');

Step 6: Create the Controller

Generate a controller to handle the logic:

php artisan make:controller GoogleController

In the GoogleController, add the following methods:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite;
use App\Models\User;
use Auth;

class GoogleController extends Controller
    public function redirectToGoogle()
        return Socialite::driver('google')->redirect();

    public function handleGoogleCallback()
        try {
            $user = Socialite::driver('google')->stateless()->user();

            $findUser = User::where('email', $user->getEmail())->first();

            if ($findUser) {
                return redirect()->intended('dashboard');
            } else {
                $newUser = User::create([
                    'name' => $user->getName(),
                    'email' => $user->getEmail(),
                    'google_id' => $user->getId(),
                    'password' => encrypt('password') // You can use a better approach

                return redirect()->intended('dashboard');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return redirect('/')->with('error', 'Something went wrong!');

Step 7: Update User Model

Make sure your User model has a google_id field. If it doesn’t, create a migration to add it:

php artisan make:migration add_google_id_to_users_table --table=users

In the migration file:

public function up()
    Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

Run the migration:

php artisan migrate

Step 8: Add a Login Button

Add a Google Login button to your frontend, e.g., in resources/views/auth/login.blade.php:

<a href="{{ route('google.login') }}" class="btn btn-danger">Login with Google</a>

Step 9: Test Your Integration

  • Start your server: php artisan serve
  • Visit the login page and click “Login with Google”.
  • After successful login, you should be redirected to your dashboard or intended URL.

Why Use Google Login?

  1. Simplified Registration: No need for users to remember another password.
  2. Increased Security: Users rely on Google’s authentication, reducing the risk of security issues.
  3. Enhanced UX: Users can log in quickly and easily.

This humanized guide ensures a smooth and comprehensive Google Login setup for your Laravel project. Let me know if you need further assistance or adjustments!

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